Public Auction

Thursday, June 19, at 9:00 a.m.

Located: 3 miles west of Pella, Iowa on Hwy 163, then south in lane

Tree Trimming Equipment:

Two 1990 International 4900 single axle trucks both w/466D engines; 5 and 2 tran., 52’ Hi

Ranger single buckets; 87 Int. S1900 w/466D, 5 and 2 and 52’ Hi Ranger bucket; Ford

L800 single axle truck w/V8 gas, 5 and 2 w/ National 6T56 crane w/95’ reach; 75 Ford L

8000 w/Cat 1160 D, 5-4 tran, twin screw w/20’ metal box w/rear mt. Prentice Model F log

loader; 2000 Morbark model 2400XL wood chipper w/130 hp. Cummins D; 97 Morbark

2400 chipper w/188 hp Perkins D;

 95 Morbark 17 chipper w/120 hp JD engine; 95 KWT800

twin screw w/Cat D, 9 spd. w/20’ 40 yard chip box;

 97 Mack tilt cab 6 spd., single axle w/16’ 25 yrd. chip box;

 90 Int. 8100 w/L10 Cummins, 9 spd., single axle 18’ 30 yd. chip box; 79

GMC 7000 w/350 gas, 5 spd, 14’ 20 yrd. chip box;

 79 Int. Paystar 5000 6x6 all whl. drive

w466D, 10 spd w/Prentice 120 log loader and 18’ box;

87 Int 9370 twin screw w/Cummins

855D 15 spd w/18’ removable top dump box;

95 Vermeer model 1102 stump cutter w/110

hp Perkins; Vermeer 60A stump cutter w/Wisconsin; two 98 ASV HD 4520 Posi-Track rubber

track skid loaders w/115 hp JD D engines, several buckets;

loader attachments include a Davco tree mower,

14” tree sheer,

 lawn roller, V snow blade,

11’ straight truck blade,

2 rotating log grables,

7’ A&W rotary mower; several ASV tracks and parts; OMC Mustang

310 skid loader w/34” bucket; 20’ Tow Master pindle hitch trailer w/5’ beaver tail and ramps,

22,000 GVW; Keifer 18’ flat trailer w/beaver tail;

20’ 16” hyd. chip screening auger; Hay

buster p.t.o. tub grinder; 16’ Chant Land bag conveyer; Morgan 60’ belt concrete conveyor

w/Wisconsin engine; Hi Way street sweeper (no engine); Sweep Star bucket broom,

heavy hyd. log splitter.

Farm Machinery, Tools and Miscellaneous

Up Right MX19 electric lift; 7 1/2 hp and 5 hp. upright air comp.; 2 large batt. chargers;

chipper knife sharpener; engine stand; floor and hyd. jacks; air and impact tools, chop saw,

bench vise and grinders, 16 spd. post drill, bench drill; 13’ hoist frame on wheels w.hoist;

30T press, port gen.; Winpower 12/7 PT2 gen on cart; booster packs, dozens of chains

and binders, 4 new 10.00x20 traction tires, hyd. hose and cylinders, several Stihl MS200

- 044 - 460 - 056 - 084 chain saws, Stihl ext. power pruners, tire cage, 2 chain saw sharpeners,

8 near new 3’x8’ Altur mats, alum. ext. ladders, truck and hand tools boxes, steel

tables and work benches; hyd. valves and controls; 2 Gas Boy fuel pumps; frt. truck

bumper; expect 2-3 rack loads of small tools and other support items plus 50-75 2’x3’ parts

bins many w/parts, shelving; large amount of items for parts or scrap.

66 Farmall 1206D w/wide frt., 3 pt., white cab; 48 M w/live hyd., 12 volt; 42 M 12 volt; JD

F525 w/48” frt. deck lawn tractor; Perkins 110 hp D engine; 48” cement power trowel; GT

31’ 7” truck auger; Fox forage blower; Gehl chopper; 1000 gal. water brrl. on trailer; 10’

and 12’ barge boxes on gears; JD 953 gear; school bus body for storage; single drum

sheeps foot roller; 7 shank Howard V chisel; 9’ 3 pt. blade; two 4”x6” 30’ steel beams; FM

radios and tower; 2 very large piles of wood chips and much more.

Terms: Cash Not responsible for accidents.

Lunch by T-Bolts Kitchen

Pella Tree Service, owner 641-628-2954 (Rick)

Sale conducted by Tri-County Auction Co.

Ray Veenstra 641-793-2779 Brad Veenstra 641-780-4077